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Alice Taylor (King’s College London) gave a keynote lecture for the 2019 British Legal History Conference, hosted by the University of St Andrews, entitled ‘What does Scotland’s Earliest Legal Tractate Actually Say (and What Does it Mean)?’.

On March 29 2018, John Hudson delivered the 2018 Maurice and Muriel Fulton Lecture in Legal History.

On the 800th anniversary of the royal order mandating the use of the jury to decide criminal cases, the Institute of Legal and Constitutional Research at the University of St Andrews held a debate on the virtues of the jury trial in the common law. Participants included Harry Potter, Richard Nicholl, Margaret Sinclair, Tommaso Perilongo, and Giulia de Bosio. In a separate event, John Hudson and Robert Bartlett also discussed the end of trial by ordeal and the 800th anniversary of the jury trial, the video of which is available here.

In September 2019, Emanuele Conte spoke at the symposium ‘Judge & Scholar: Perspectives on the Intellectual Legacy of John T. Noonan’ at Berkeley Law on ‘History as Identity: The Use of History as a Legal Argument in Civil Law Countries‘.

The following are video interviews recorded as part of the Power and Institutions in Medieval Islam and Christendom (‘PIMIC’) project (, which are also highly relevant to the concerns of the CLCLCL project: