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Recent Publications

Andrew Cecchinato:

— Madison, James (1751-1836), in Encyclopedia of Diplomacy, edited by Gordon Martel, vol. III, Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, 2018, pp. 1181-1183.


Emanuele Conte:

(with Giovanni B. Conte) ‘Un foro speciale per le controversie in materia di acqua: rilettura storica e ambito positivo della giurisdizione del Tribunale delle acque pubbliche’, in Annuario di diritto dell’energia 2017, a cura di Carbone, Napolitano, Zoppini, Bologna 2017, 369-387.

—  ‘L’état au MoyenÂge’, dans Formes et doctrines de l’État: Dialogue entre histoire du droit et théorie du droit, éd. Pierre Bonin, Pierre Brunet et Soazick Kerneis, (Paris, 2018), 123-136.

‘Educare il giurista. Le sfide del terzo millennio e le tentazioni della conservazione accademica’, in La formazione del giurista. Contributi a una riflessione, a c. di Beatrice Pasciuta e Luca Loschiavo, Roma 2018 (La cultura giuridica), 115-125.

‘Laici, giuristi, umanisti. Ronald Witt e l’Italia medievale’, in Quellen und Forschungen aus Italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken, 98 (2018), 373-383.

‘Droit Romain’, in L’Europe. Encyclopédie Historique, ed. Van Damme et al., Paris, Actes Sud, 2018.

—  ‘Il popolo è una moltitudine che canta’, in L’Indice dei libri del mese, Febbraio 2019.

—  ‘Modena 1182: the origins of a new paradigm of ownership. The interface between historical contingency and the scholarly invention of legal categories’, in Glossae. European Journal of Legal History 15 (2018), 5-18.

(with Laurent Mayali), ‘Introduction’, in A Cultural History of Law in the Middle Ages, ed. E. Conte and L. Mayali, (London, 2019), 1-10.

 (with Laurent Mayali and Beatrice Pasciuta), ‘Constitution’, in A Cultural History of Law in the Middle Ages, ed. E. Conte and L. Mayali, (London, 2019), 23-43.

—  ‘Lapse of Time in Medieval Laws: Procedure, Prescription, Presumptions, Custom’, in Limitation and Prescription: A Comparative Legal History, ed. D. Ibbetson, E. Schrage and H. Dondorp, (Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History, 33) Berlin, Duncker and Humblot  2019, 69-89.

‘The order and the Volk. Romantic roots and enduring fascination of the German constitutional history’, in De rebus divinis et humanis Essays in honour of Jan Hallebeek, ed. Harry Dondorp / Martin Schermaier / Boudewijn Sirks, (Göttingen 2019), 37-53.

(ed., with Laurent Mayali) A Cultural History of Law in the Middle Ages (London, 2019).

‘Berman et les révolutions du droit occidental’, in Pour les sciences sociales. 101 livres, a c. di C. Lemieux, Paris (EHESS) 2017, 272-274.

‘Il popolo è una moltitudine che canta.Osservazioni storiche sulla funzione istituzionale della musica’, in L’armonia del diritto. Contributi a una riflessione su diritto e musica, a c. di Giorgio Resta, Roma 2020, 37-52.

‘Roman Public Law in the Twelfth Century: Politics, Jurisprudence, and Reverence for Antiquity’, in Empire and Legal Thought. Ideas and Institutions from Antiquity to Modernity, ed. E. Cavanagh, Leiden/Boston, Brill, 2020, 189-212.

Azo (ca. 1165 to ca. 1220/30) and Accursius (1182/5 to ca. 1263), in Law and the Christian Tradition in Italy. The Legacy of the Great Jurists, ed. Orazio Condorelli and Rafael Domingo, Abingdon and New York, Routledge, 2020, 56-69.


David de Concilio:

— ‘Moneta e cultura giuridica. Un brocardo di Azzone nella costruzione del diritto pecuniario medievale’, Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis / Revue d’Histoire duDroit / The Legal History Review 87 (2019),  384—426.

—‘ Summula de presumptionibus’, as found in Vatican Pal. lat. 653, transcr. David De Concilio, in Civil Law, Common Law, Customary Law Project Publications, St Andrews, 2019 [].

Summula de presumptionibus’: a translation, transl. David De Concilio, in Civil Law, Common Law, Customary Law Project Publications, St Andrews, 2019 [].


Will Eves:

— ‘Justice Delayed? Absent Recognitors and the Angevin Legal Reforms, c.1200’, in Travis R. Baker, ed., Law and Society in Later Medieval England and Ireland (Routledge, 2017), 1-24.

— ‘Threats and Intimidation in Anglo-Norman Legal Disputes’, in Kate Gilbert and Steven D. White, eds, Vengeance, Violence Emotions and Law in the Middle Ages (Brill, 2018), 80-102.

The Earliest Treatise within the Materials Comprising the So-Called Très Ancien Coutumier of Normandyas found in Vatican Library ms. Ott. Lat. 2964, transcr. William Eves, in Civil Law, Common Law, Customary Law Project Publications, St Andrews, 2018 [].

— ‘Collusive Litigation in the Early Years of the English Common Law: The Use of Mort D’Ancestor for Conveyancing Purposes c. 1198–1230’, The Journal of Legal History, vol. 41, no. 3 (2020), 227–256 .

‘Common Law’  in The Routledge Medieval Encyclopaedia Online (forthcoming)


John Hudson:

— The Formation of the English Common Law: Law and Society in England from King Alfred to Magna Carta, (Routledge, 2017). A much expanded second edition of The Formation of the English Common Law: Law and Society in England from the Norman Conquest to Magna Carta, (Longmans, 1996).

— ‘Emotions in the early Common Law (c. 1166-1215)’, Journal of Legal History 38 (2017), 130-54.

— ‘The place of Henry I in English legal history’, Haskins Society Journal 28 (2017), 63-81.

‘Reading terminology in the sources of the early Common Law: Seisin, simple and not so simple’, in English Legal History and its Sources: Essays in Honour of Sir John Baker, ed. D. Ibbetson, N. Jones, and N. Ramsay (Cambridge, 2019), pp. 79-99.

—  Glanvill: Balliol College MS 359, transcr. John Hudson, in Civil Law, Common Law, Customary Law Project Publications, St Andrews, 2019 [].


Matt McHaffie

‘The “Just Judgment” in Western France (c.1000–c.1150): Judicial Practice and the Sacred’, French History, 33, no. 1 (2019), 1–23.


Attilio Stella:

Mnemonic Poem for memorising the structure of the second section of the Decretum Gratiani, as found in Berlin, SBPK 462, transcr. Attilio Stella, in Civil Law, Common Law, Customary Law Project Publications, St Andrews, 2019 []

Libri Feudorum: Vulgata, transcr. Attilio Stella, in Civil Law, Common Law, Customary Law Project Publications, St Andrews, 2019 [].

Pseudo Revigny ‘Summa feudorum’ Parma Biblioteca Palatina, ms. Parm. 1227 transcr. Attilio Stella, in Civil Law, Common Law, Customary Law Project Publications, St Andrews, 2018 [].

The Liber Ardizonis. Reshaping the Libri Feudorum in the Early Thirteenth Century,’ Studi Medievali, LVIII/1 (2017): 175-227.

‘The Summa Feudorum of MS Parm. 1227: a Work by Iacobus Aurelianus (1250ca.)?’, Reti Medievali Rivista, 20/2 (2019).

— ‘Bringing the feudal law back home: social practice and the law of fiefs in Italy and Provence (1100–1250)’, Journal of Medieval History, 46 (2020): 396-418.


Sarah White:

— Iudicium est actus trium personarum,’ as found in Oxford St John’s College 178, transcr. Sarah B. White, in Civil Law, Common Law, Customary Law Project Publications, St Andrews, 2018 [].

— ‘Thomas Wolf c. Richard de Abingdon, c. 1293-1295: A Case Study of Legal Argument,’, Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 71 (2019), pp. 40-58.

— ‘Witnesses in the Thirteenth-century English Ecclesiastical Courts: The Procedure and Practice of Proof,’ Studies in Church History, Vol. 56 (2020), pp.  114-130.

— ‘Legal Arguments and Citations in the 13th-Century Court of Canterbury,’ Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law: Paris, 17-23 July 2016 (Città del Vaticano: Biblioteca apostolica vaticana). (Accepted, in press, forthcoming 2020).